Trump blames Obama for organizing protests, as ally suggests Dems are responsible for waves of threats to Jewish organizations nationwide…–the Breitbarters blame everyone else for the results of the hate they’ve fostered
–one of Trump’s rich cronies, Anthony Scaramucci, tweets blame on Dems for anti-Jewish threats
–Trump slams leakers as White House leaks his speech to Congress to Alex Jones
–Melania will host victims of murder by undocumented men, but the Steinle family from San Francisco declined to be used as props, to their credit
–Trump tells his pals at Fox & Friends he hopes economic growth will pay for Pentagon budget hike
–in his speech tonight, will Trump offer a plan for the “whatever war” in Afghanistan, now in its 16th bloody year? Here’s a strong essay from a retired general
–based on major report in The New Yorker, Rachel Maddow offered the most persuasive info to date on Trump-Russia connections; still no hacking proof
–Greenwald drew some interesting points from New Yorker story
–Rep. Devin Nunes is slammed for compromising his investigation, saying he’s “seen no evidence” of phone calls from Trump aides to Russian intelligence
–journalist Rania Khalek is uninvited from speech at U of NC
–leaders of both houses of California legislature use FOIA to get immigration raid info from ICE
–lawsuits against Trump travel ban are proceeding, despite bid by “Justice Dept” to kill them, as revised royal decree is delayed, but expected
–travel industry experts see early indications that travel ban will lead to major drop in tourism in US
–in op-ed, Drug Policy Alliance leader urges Trump to honor campaign pledges about cannabis enforcement
–Tesla female engineer reveals sexism and hostile work environment at electric car maker